It rained here last night, quite heavily at times, and when the rain stopped the fog rolled in and never left. It’s eerily quiet and calm out there right now, 0 Celsius with 85% humidity, making it feel colder, almost coastal or an England kind of chill. The snow will come, that much is certain, and you know this because you can feel it deep down inside you. According to the weather forecast the snowflakes should start to fall around suppertime. I wonder as I watch the geese, recent arrivals from the South flying up and down the river, in and out of the fog, I wonder if they know this too. As it goes, this is just another strange day in another strange week in yet again another unusual year. But maybe it isn’t, I am not so sure anymore. Maybe this is how it’s supposed to be – S.N.A.F.U. (Situation Normal All Fucked Up). 

In Alberta, pretty much every Covid restriction has been lifted, a development of significance long awaited for by almost everyone. We should celebrate this new- found freedom, but we are not, are we? It is hard to celebrate when one is angry, and there are a great many of us out there right now who are very angry – angry at this virus and the pandemic that ensued, angry at the scientists and doctors who feel the need to tell us what we can and can’t do, angry at the politicians (especially our pip squeaking, piss ant, coward of a Prime Minister), angry at those who are vaccinated and angry at those who are not. You are angry, I get it, I am angry too. We just lived through the greatest global pandemic in the last 100 years, it’s going to leave some scars. But when… do we stop looking back and start looking ahead? When… do we start the healing process? When… do we let go of this anger? 

And while we were busy being angry over here in what is still a relatively free country, a bloated, ex KGB, megalomaniacal lunatic has decided to invade his neighbour to the South in an effort to re-create the Kievan Rus of a thousand years ago. The Ukrainians, who are the ones being invaded, would prefer living in the 21st Century, not the 11th, and have thrown up ferocious resistance in defence of their homeland (only 30 years of freedom, Ukraine was part of the old U.S.S.R.). Who cares? Doesn’t Russia have an economy smaller than that of Canada’s, of Texas even? Yes, you are quite right kitty kats, but Putin is also in control of the 4th largest military and THE LARGEST stockpile of nuclear weapons in the World. Scared yet? You should be, dictators obsessed with their image and perceived place in history have little tolerance for setbacks, and right now instead of hugs and kisses, Ukrainian babas are making Molotov cocktails in their back yards and daring the “Russian shits” to come and get them. This is heroism on a scale not witnessed since The Battle Of Britain in 1940 when the English stared into the belly of the Nazi Beast! Dictators don’t take kindly to that kind of talk, they want you to worship their ass, not blow it up. As the Russian Military becomes more bogged down, and the casualty lists get longer, there is a very real and present danger of things going nuclear. Will it happen? I don’t think so, but who the fuck knows right now? Invading another country to fulfill a fantasy of World domination is not exactly rational thinking, is it? Yet, here we are, and both Putin and his ball licking acolytes have let it be known that anything and everything is possible!

And here you thought Covid was scary!

That’s right, S.N.A.F.U.!   

Hey Peloton, want to do something useful? Send one of those stupid bikes over to that puffed up prick Putin, maybe he will go for a ride, have a jammer and save the rest of humanity a lot of heartache. It’s the least you can do after subjecting us to those fucking commercials.

Stay safe and be HAPPY there friends!