THE GRUMPY CHRONICLES – Nothing Much Happening Here

Nothing much happening here; read a little, write a little, eat a little, or maybe A LOT, watch a bit of hockey, think about working out at some point but never actually getting around to do it, nap and wonder why your guts are churning up inside. This is Christmas 2021! Some of you might also have noticed too, if you were brave enough to venture out, that it isn’t exactly tropical out there. Well it might be for a muskox but for me, who is only slightly less hairy, -35 C is downright cold, although still preferrable to the 160 km/hr winds which we were subjected to not long ago. And hey, we had snow for Christmas this year too, didn’t we? 

Snow, oh yes, a shit ton of it. How much is that? The correct answer is slightly less than a fuck ton, and beginning on the 22nd and right through Christmas the white stuff never stopped falling, often accompanied by Hellacious winds that reduced visibility at times to practically zero. There were a couple of near-death experiences going to and from work, made even more terrifying when you factor in that we Princes of Darkness were doing our daily toil in the dead of night, the Vampire shifts!

Survive however we did, only to be poleaxed by the shear gluttony of the Season. But, you may ask, what about yoga, and holistic development, the mind / body connection, pumping iron, etc, etc? Are we not still striving to be better, more perfect human beings? Well yeah, of course we are. Absolutely! Next week I am going to get right on that too! This week I am kind of busy though, doing Grumpymarty things.

Like what? Well, for this week I fully intend to overeat. I know eh, why do it? It’s so hard, you might feel rough, get the bad gut, stink up the house, possibly get yelled at. Don’t worry, you can always blame the dog for the smell and hey, should we not be exploring the outer limits of swinishness? Of course we should so step up brave souls, sally forth into the land of the great unwashed and unleash your inner beast. Why not? Would it not be a fitting end to 2021? 

Because 2022 is going to be so much better, isn’t it? I know, I am not quite sure I believe that either, but I am trying. We all are. 2021 started with such promise too, all we had to do is hold on, be patient, stay the course and all would be okay. But then it wasn’t until it was again, and summer was so wonderful except half of British Columbia was in a heat wave and then on fire and restrictions came back and Delta showed up and now we are talking booster shots and holy fuck British Columbia is flooding and all the roads are washed out and what the fuck is this Omicron and we don’t recommend you travel anymore and hey Trudeau you can suck it and now it’s -35 and my handicap in golf only went down from 9 to 7 this season and the Dodgers are no longer champions and the Flyers are just plain shit and yes, I am well aware that this sentence is ridiculous but so was 2021. And while we are at it, Fuck You Peloton (sorry, couldn’t help myself there)!

Try as I might, I fail to see a lot of positive coming out of this past year, except that maybe it was slightly better than 2020. But hey, we’re STILL here, aren’t we? Battered, bruised, feeling like we are getting kicked in the nads almost daily, we KBO (keep buggering on – it’s a Churchill quote as you all know). Our human spirit is as yet unconquered! This pandemic has been a grind to say the least and doesn’t seem to have an end point. Not long ago it was Delta, and now it’s Omicron. What is next? Megadeth? Nope, sorry, name taken – Dave Mustaine’s awesome speed metal band – but don’t worry, they will come up with something, no doubt ominous, to throw a little fear our way. And with each new variant that surfaces, the Prognosticators of Doom (often referred to as “sages”) come forth with an array of new statistics and boldly pronounce the inevitability of Humanity’s demise if drastic action is not immediately undertaken. WHATEVER!!! Bring it!!! It’s been said of me that I would give Covid to Covid so yeah, Omicron, come see me sometime. I am not afraid, none of us should be! Respect the danger, get vaccinated (no seriously, I have seen what this virus does to the unvaccinated and don’t give me this bullshit about it being your right to not get the shot, I have rights too and am sick of mine being trampled on to protect your ass), wash your hands, stay home if you are sick and be a good citizen (Jesus that almost sounds like a communist). We’ll win, we are winning right now. Do it not for the government (chickenshit dickheads) but for your family, friends, coworkers. This virus isn’t going to win, it’s just too stupid to realize it (it’s a fucking virus for Christ sakes)! 2022 WILL be better than 2021 because we, as in Humanity, shall make it so! Rock on Bitches and Happy New Year!!!!