Monday, February 27

It’s been two weeks now and I probably should feel at least a tiny sense of guilt and I was so totally going to hit the gym today and yeah; I just never quite made it! There wasn’t even a remotely legitimate excuse either. I simply didn’t want to do it, end of…

It’s sometimes really hard, isn’t it, this getting old? You want to keep doing all these things and you know you should be doing them, but you often never quite get around to actually sealing the deal. 

Tuesday, February 28 

I honestly thought that I had more time, so I closed my eyes and made one last futile attempt, for a measly extra 4 minutes of sleep. Didn’t happen though because the bloody clock on my bedside table was 4 minutes slow! When that hideous chime erupted from the cell phone, the heart almost jammed out then and there, and I remembered just how despicable the whole “setting an alarm” concept really is. Life more often than not though requires a timetable, a schedule if you will, and that bloody alarm assists us in fulfilling our societal obligations. 

Today we had appointments and responsibilities, forcing me to suspend my usual routine that normally revolves around game times and eating. Hell, today I even wore pants! I know, right? But the thing is, it’s a very charmed life indeed for the person who has so little need of timetables and alarms. This Epoch X, my new normal, yeah… I’m digging it! 

Wednesday, March 1

I am a writer, or maybe I like the thought of being a writer so right now I am pretending to be one, at least for a few hours anyway. I sometimes even dress how I think a writer would dress and it makes me feel quite good about myself until I look in the mirror and see a cross between a dishevelled university professor and my father. It’s shock and awe, but not in a good way. Some balding guy with grey hair looking at me just happens to be me, which is most disconcerting. And while we are at it, why is “me” wearing sweatpants and a wool sweater? Has it really come to this? It’s so, like, the opposite of cool; seriously, what the Hell happened?

Would you like an honest answer? First off, I wrote absolutely nothing of value so my attempt today at being an actual writer can probably be considered a complete dumpster fire. Hey, way to go “Me”, but yeah, whatever! I sort of got sidetracked watching Spring Training Dodgers Baseball. It happens! And the sweater and sweats thing? Okay… well… ummm… yeah… I got nothing! It’s just not a good look, EVER! 

Thursday, March 2

A couple of days ago while perusing the morning papers I bumped into the Spring Weather Forecast for the Southern Rockies; it told me that Winter is not going anywhere anytime soon. How does everyone feel about that because even a year ago I would have been absolutely horrified, but right now in 2023, I’m thinking another month of winter is not so bad. Listen, it’s not like I can go golfing 3-4 times a week in March, right? Not here in Southwest Alberta anyway. But… if we want to talk about skiing… 

Okay, so it’s like quite rude to tell me to “fuck off” but we’re all friends here right? You bet, so let’s move on, shall we? 

We all cool? Good, because like it or not, March is going to be wintry so let’s “embrace the suck” and get on with the business of living. 

Friday, March 3

The young snowboarding couple below me belted out “Sweet Caroline” as they slowly carved their way down the mountain. While their singing could be charitably labelled off-key, it may also have been the most beautiful of sounds I heard today. What? Yes, well what I felt from them was pure, unadulterated joy, and those two lovely young people passed that bit of joy on to me and never even knew. That’s pretty fucking amazing, wouldn’t you agree?

I honestly have no idea who they were and in the end it doesn’t even matter. They are just two human beings having an unguarded moment of delight and God bless them both and thank you and jeez why can’t we all have more moments like that!

Do you think that I had a good day? Yeah not bad, eh? It snowed on us the entire time we were on the mountain, not heavy but just the right amount to make you think, “oh my God this is amazing.” As we rode up for the last run of the day I told Max how much I was looking forward to an egg salad sandwich and a Nespresso, and you know it tasted just as good as I thought it would when we actually did get home. 

For me, those little flashes of awesome are what make each day so amazing. But first you have to take the time to actually notice. Slow down, take a peak, I think that you’ll be happy with what you find!

I gotta go now, my quads are still burning and there’s hockey to watch. Party On Dudes and Dudettes and Happy Friday to you all!