THE GRUMPY CHRONICLES: March 10/23, Yeah I’m wounded!


So I thought to myself, “what could go wrong?” Well, as it turns out, quite a lot! I shouldn’t have even gone up there, because let’s face it, I was skiing alone (Max was warming up in the lodge), it was the last run of the day and, I had no fucking clue where I was going. Yeah… right? What could go wrong? Oh, and did I mention fog? Can you see where this is going?

Last run of the day, it always happens on the last run of the day doesn’t it? When I got off the first chair I should have just turned right and headed downhill, Easy Peasy! Nope, let’s take the other chair right to the top and ski across the bowl before bombing down Bandito (a decent blue run or so I hear). Except, when I get to the top it’s foggy as fuck and like really steep and I can’t see shit and so I go for a tumble. I felt it in my calf as I popped up and immediately thought – dude, you are in a world of hurt now. Yup, but I was getting down the hill by myself, come Hell or high water! So I ski on, basically on one leg until I find Bandito. When I turned downhill I just might have screamed A LOT as a bolt of pain shot through me. Profanity flowed freely. Don’t worry though, nobody was around to be offended; it was kind of scarily quiet and empty. I slid hockey style down the run for a bit but yeah, Hell and high water arrived, forcing me to flag a couple of guys down and tell them of my potential issue. Chad, a chiropractor from Medicine Hat, was awesome enough to hang with me while his son headed down to notify Ski Patrol of an idiot hanging out at the top of the hill with a potentially serious injury! 

Ski Patrol strapped me in and got me down in the toboggan which was kinda cool; who gets to do that, right? It was a pleasant trip and they were of course amazing. It’s not exactly easy getting idiots like me down from places we shouldn’t have gone. The good news? I didn’t break my leg. Bad news? Well, it appears as though the right calf muscle is torn! 


How’s that for an ouch? More like double ouch, right? Yeah, it has been an interesting day today. Most of it was figuring out how to use crutches. I’m not very good but I’d like to think I’m getting better; it’s all about the baby steps, isn’t it? I’m still pissy because being restricted in any form is utterly intolerable! 

It’s my own fault though, isn’t it? All this shit, nobody can be blamed but me, because I chose to go up, go on and see what’s beyond. That little voice said “don’t go, be smart and end the day on a good note. You have never been up top so wait for someone to show you the way.” Then the overly confident, indestructible athlete pipes up and says “you got this, nothing to be afraid of up there.” Hey there superstar, how’d that work out for you?  Maybe Mr overly confident, indestructible athlete is a total moron, eh?! 

Needless to say, the ski season is OVER and I feel a little bummed about it. I wanted more, I really did, but I’m not going to get it. Not this year anyway. Sort of how life works though, doesn’t it? You always want more of a good thing and are never quite ready to accept it when it’s done. 


I got up today fully anticipating limited mobility without the use of crutches. Well, maybe not, but I am just so damn close! Maybe tomorrow? I also think that I may have pulled my groin in the crash. Never really noticed so much before because of the overwhelming calf pain but now, yup, there’s definitely a pull. Good thing it’s all right leg, eh? 

Showering this morning was also a bit more challenging than I had expected. There’s this water thing that can potentially be slippery? Can’t exactly be avoided in a shower, can it? Assistance from Lady Hurricane was required in the end to avoid any further physical damage on my part.

And what about those bloody stairs? My big tv is down there, so are my books, it’s where I watch my sports, and right now I can’t get down there, not today anyway. It really does need to be soon because the weekend is here and the slate is full – TPC, World Baseball Classic, NHL – right now I have sort of taken over the upstairs tv room but this can’t continue, can it? No, it can’t; not everyone is equipped to watch sports for 16 hours straight. 

Meanwhile, with wind chill it’s -17 outside and hasn’t stopped snowing since I got up this morning (there is a SNOWFALL WARNING in place for our region). Like I said last week, Winter is not going anywhere anytime soon. Remember how I said that I was okay with that? NOPE, not anymore. If I can’t ski, well then this Winter thing is of no use to me – bugger off! And what’s even worse, because of this damn injury I can’t plow snow either! Yeah, fucking brutal!

So anyway, how’d your week go? Haha! Well, the weekend is here – rock and roll!!!