I am working today. Well, it’s not really work in a traditional work sense and I am not getting paid for it but I am calling it work because I can and all great writers call their writing “work” and I am going to pretend I am a great writer so right now I am working my way through the New York Times and Times of London. If and when I feel like it, I bang away at the keyboard as well, and when Franklin the Dink annoys me I get all huffy because well, writers are a temperamental lot, aren’t they? Today I am even sitting at a proper desk. My writing attire however is distinctly unacademic; no proper trousers with wool sweater (even though I love wool), it’s Walmart sweats, long underwear, work socks (I am working) and a hoodie. I am a busy man, as you can imagine but comfort is required if one is to work with effervescence and joy (and who doesn’t work with effervescence and joy I ask?). 

Outside the window, it’s Winter, or at least our first little taste of it. My phone tells me that with windchill it’s -18C. Know what? I don’t care, I really don’t! It’s Winter, and the new me is embracing it.

Skis, the downhill variety, you are correct. We have our Wonders of Winter (WOW) Cards, and now skis and boots. Poles and helmets are still on the list before we are totally ready but from what I have read, there is still at least a month before most Hills are open for business. Okay, I’ll admit to having a bit of a concern with the Great Gazoo (it’s a Flintstones reference for all you youngsters out there) ski helmet. I will no doubt have major issues with it and everyone will be told about these problems but in the end Grumpymarty will wear the Gazoo helmet and like it. I know, sometimes I really miss those “kids playing with matches” days.

No, that bike is NOT a Peloton! As you can see, I am well equipped to ride out the Winter. I know you are dying to find out so yes, I am using this magnificent space and all equipment in it for it’s intended purpose, to pump some iron – Old School style. And inside this room, Hair Metal Rules! I am in here 4 to 5 days a week. 

People often ask me what it’s like to not have to go to work every day. Seriously, what do you think? Has it sunk in yet? It actually has. I don’t know what it’s like for others but in my case, if feels as though I am skipping university class. This time however, it’s okay, because even though I skip school, nobody actually cares and I’ll still get straight “A’s” because I’m the one handing out the grades.  I even have my Thule Book Bag to carry around my notebooks, MacBook and Jim Harrison, Joan Didion and Earnest Hemingway. 

Here’s something else – I no longer view the World through 4 day windows. I looked at the calendar in 4 day slots, day shift, night shift, days off. Which day off mattered too, because if it was your first day off, which I called Stupid Day, it was best to avoid all intellectual stimulation. On last day off I was a miserable bastard because it was my last day off, and I didn’t want to do anything because now I am already going into the “ I fucking hate everybody” mode. Fun shit, eh? Things have changed though, and now I have to look at the NHL schedule and see who’s playing to properly clue in to the actual day. I like this new way better. 

The learning a new language thing is still presenting some difficulties, even though I should be dedicating a nice little block of time to it every day. Why? Well, learning requires effort and for the moment I am an academic truant. Francais and Espanol await, but those classes have been scheduled at inconvenient times for me so yeah, fuck off, I’m kind of busy right now. Please don’t point out that it is in my power to schedule or not schedule anything I want, including language lessons. I am being a rebel right now, thank you very much. New languages require concentration and effort and you know, I only have so much energy and I am pretty certain there is a hockey game going on somewhere in the World right now requiring my focus.

Stay WARM my friends!