THE GRUMPY CHRONICLES – Hello again dear Spring

The gas stove over in the corner hisses and pops as it comes to life in an effort to warm this oversized room. It’s early Spring and although the sun shines a little brighter now, and for a little longer, it’s still quite cold at times in the house, especially in the basement, and the added warmth from the stove is most welcome. Outside, snow that came to us last night is already on the retreat but if you dare venture out, wearing sunglasses is a must (mine are Hugo Boss, of course). Spring is most definitely here but Winter, like an unwanted drunken loser who kicks in the door to someone else’s party, well he just won’t go away yet, will he? 

Winter and I used to be on reasonably good terms but our friendship isn’t what it was and I am afraid there is little hope of reconciliation. Listen, I have tried very hard to meet Winter halfway, but Winter is a selfish prick who only does what he wants and he doesn’t really care about anyone else; if you derive some benefit from what he’s throwing down then good for you but if not, trust me – Winter doesn’t give a single shit! This latest snowfall is just his way of stopping by and giving us all the finger – it’s a “fuck you” for sure but being the irascible imp that he is, it won’t be the last time he comes around to hang his ass out the window at us.

Spring is not like Winter at all and today Spring is shining through in all her glory. I like Spring and although she can be moody at times and is often very messy, I am quite certain that Spring likes me back. Spring has a good heart, a warm glow emanating out that encourages us to step forth from our sheltered cocoons and again view the World in Technicolour! Spring wants us to be happy! Spring is bright, Spring is bold, Spring is beautiful!

This year of 2022, Spring also signals adventure. After two years of masks, social distancing, travel restrictions, Rapid Antigen Tests and mass paranoia, I believe we are all ready for a splash of something different. That’s right, it’s almost time to fire up that Roadtrek Adventurous (our Anthony), find some blacktop and move it on out! We shall be modern day voyageurs in search of parts unknown (well, unknown to us at least). And maybe that is what we all need, isn’t it? After being shackled for so long, an escape to magical new lands, even if only for a short time sounds like a fine idea. Pre-pandemic we were no strangers to travel but our method of transport was primarily by air and the destinations for the most part international. I loved every minute of it; airports may be unhygienic cesspools, but you will never find a more amazing and interesting cross section of humanity, their strengths and weaknesses there for all of us to witness, it most definitely is reality television at its finest. When the World shut down we searched for something different, a new way to explore – what we came up with was a dog and a van. Hardly original I know but fuck it, it’s a sound concept so let’s party.

So yes, thank you Spring for coming back, we missed you. But please, feel free to stick around for more than a day or two at a time. Hang out, have a Nespresso or two. Yes we the Lord and Lady of the Manor are well, Bohdi is into yoga and is slightly overweight now (he’s kind of lazy, truth be told, but who am I to point fingers at anyone for that) and Franklin the Cat is STILL a dink who is driving us crazy because indoor living is not exactly to his liking. And when you come back next time, bring us some green, bring us some golf, and oh yeah, a whole lot of baseball, and maybe a wee bit more heat. You CAN do it!!!