It’s morning and it’s bloody early, like 6 am early, and I can’t say that I am all that pleased to be awake. Bodhi Boy, while resting his chin on my foot, grunts and actually kicks me, attempting to take up even more space than is currently allowed to him; it’s amazing how a 50 lb dog who was never going to sleep with us now takes up 2/3 of a king size bed while we adult humans take up the fringe real estate along the edges. I could get up and I really should get up, because I am accomplishing nothing except maybe disrupting Max, but I don’t want to.

I do get up though, and after giving my beard a quick brush (seriously, who doesn’t love a beard brush?) I shuffle out into the dark. Our Satanic cat Franklin can hear me bumbling about and immediately starts a ruckus, demanding to be fed. I call him a dink because he really is a dink and as I feed him I wonder if this animal at my feet truly suffers from mental deficiencies or is just plain dinkish. I am going to go with dinkish on this one but the little bastard was born in a barn so there is the possibility of inbreeding. Hey, just saying! 

The day itself was for the most part uneventful. Sometimes however uneventful isn’t all that bad, is it? I drank a lot of caffe crema, binge watched Clarkson’s Farm 2 on Prime and thoroughly convinced myself that the arthritis in my neck and lower back were acting up. This of course provided an excellent excuse to abstain from any unnecessary physical exertion so yeah, today’s workout  – cancelled! Too bad, so sad!!! 


Snow! Not exactly the apocalyptic, storm of the season but a little is better than nothing, right? More importantly, Castle Mountain was hit for 25 cm of the white stuff overnight, bringing great joy to us skiers (that’s right, I am now one of those deplorable humans who British journalist Giles Coren refers to as a “ski wanker”) of Southwest Alberta. 

I didn’t make it out to the mountain today though; we’ll go Friday, we always go skiing on Friday. Didn’t pump iron today either. Listen, I was just way too busy for that shit and besides, I am waiting on my AirPods that I ordered and you can’t really hit the gym without AirPods. 

I don’t know if anyone has noticed but the Winnipeg Jets are the ugliest team in the NHL, like SERIOUSLY ugly!!! It’s a disgrace to hockey having so many ugly players on the ice at the same time! 


I’m watching hockey tonight! Well, let’s be honest here, I watch hockey every night, don’t I? I have to, how else would I know what day of the week it is? 

This is pretty much my nightly set up. I can write a little if I want, or not. Maybe I read a little, or maybe not, but always, always the games play on! 

The AirPods have arrived (3rd Generation). These suckers provide for a Personalized Spatial Audio experience. Yeah seriously, that’s what Apple says anyway. Facial and ear recognition – I am still not quite sure what the Hell I did with all that but they work and quite well too. It just passed the Midnight hour and here I am sipping coffee, head banging, blogging and wondering what in the fuck… I am always the last to bed and the first to rise. Never has one person been awake for such a long, productive part of the day and accomplished so little.


Pretty good indicator of high winds out here in the Rocky Mountain Foothills today. Yeah, no snow either. It’s been a weird winter, hasn’t it? Do you know that the Rideau Canal Skateway in Ottawa has not opened yet this year? Since the Skateway opened 1971 there has never been a winter that skaters couldn’t enjoy the ice at some point during the winter, until possibly now. Global Warming? Normal Cyclical Temperature Variation? El Nina? All of the above? I don’t honestly know but it is a disturbing trend.

Such a handsome Bodhi Boy – our little metrosexual model had a spa day today and now has a whiff of lavender about him. And that pose! He’s so totally working it!!!

Who watched the opening round of the Genesis Invitational? I must have been busy when tournament organizers placed their call for Grumpymarty to attend but hey, hurt feelings aside, I did watch Tiger, Rory and JT (their entire round of course) and rather enjoyed it. Wasted time? I think not people! Golf is a STUPID sport and I would absolutely run out the door to play it tomorrow if I could. Wouldn’t it be cool though to pull the daily double and get in a few runs of skiing before banging out 18 holes? One day eh? Maybe, maybe we’ll find a way! Slopes and Strokes there kids! Don’t know where, don’t know when, I don’t even know how, but Grumpy needs to do this!


What kind of a day do you think we had? I tell you what, if you are searching for a simple way to define pure happiness, look no further than today; snowing silver dollars and the parking lot was half empty! It was colder than expected though, I suspect probably because of the snow.

I have a routine (don’t we all) prior to heading out skiing in the morning. I’m up early, even earlier than the dog but he’s not so into mornings you know, and so what I do is head out to the garage and sort through the equipment, making sure we will have anything we need. Once satisfied I load up, first Max and her skis, poles, boots, helmet, goggles and mitts followed by my shit. Then I check everything again. Listen, I want to know that if I need it, I have it and more importantly, NOTHING is forgotten.

I screwed up though today. Firstly, I always go with two “buffs”, a thick one for around the neck and a thin one that I wear on my head under my helmet because I seem to be missing some hair up there. Today I only went with the thin one and wore it around my neck – yeah, my damn head got cold. Secondly, I brought the wrong sweater. I always ask myself, is today an Old Navy day or a Pendleton day? The Old Navy sweater is well, an Old Navy. I wear it almost every day because it’s comfortable and warm and slightly tattered. I like it, a lot! The Pendleton however is amazing because its a fucking Pendleton. We picked it up in Lincoln City, Oregon last Spring when we were on one of our trips. Do you know that you can bring dogs into stores in Oregon? You can, and the tacos you get at the gas stations are authentic Mexican. Who knew? Anyway, the sweater is awesome but maybe too warm for regular skiing. Except today. It was not an Old Navy day, it was a Pendleton day.

Okay, so I need to wrap this shit up now, I’ve got a hockey game to watch in half an hour, a splitting headache and an empty stomach. And you thought you had problems! See you next week!