THE GRUMPY CHRONICLES: August 28/23 – The Long Night

These sunsets over the Canadian Rockies, they never get old, do they?  

Tequila Tiger Sunset August 27, 2023

It’s the high winds aloft (wow, a benefit to this wind after all) that help in creating this magical picture of movement I so often have the privilege of appreciating. It is often described as an ‘artist’s sky’, and people come from across the continent to paint our wind’s cloud formations, and we who live here get to see it for free,  just about every night of the week. The picture before us, however beautiful, is fleeting, and so on many nights like tonight I find myself sitting out on the patio enthralled by the majesty of Nature.  

It almost feels like water, this cool wave lapping up against my skin, but it isn’t. It’s gentle and refreshing and each time it comes you wish it would stay just a little longer and then it does, and you are happy for a brief moment before it is gone again. The cool breeze of evening brushes up, again and again, letting one know that the heat of the day has passed on. I probably should go inside now, but I don’t.  

It’s dark now and I am content to sit a while longer out here on the porch sipping a half caff that will probably come to haunt me later, the Eastbound traffic of Highway 3 off in the distance continues unabated, and I am surprised that the black top is still so busy so late. I confess that the noise is irksome, especially when the high-pitched whine of a high performance motorcycle rips through the cool mountain air and pierces my ears. I hate that sound and wish it would kindly bugger off, but I guess the rider is like everyone else, trying to stretch out stretch out Sunday for as long as they possibly can. I can’t say as I blame them. For me, it really doesn’t matter much, does it, one night just rolls into the next, with the only differentiation being the quality of the sundowner to the West and at what time.   

Night is never the same, each occupying its own unique place in the history of your particular existence. Tonight when I go inside it is still hot, too hot to sleep. I lay in bed for a short while but decide to go out and look one more time for the cat who doesn’t seem to know how to tell time and has no idea that he shouldn’t be out galivanting after dark. He is not on the porch which is rather annoying but since I am awake and hot and nowhere near ready to sleep, I sit down at the kitchen table and write away, all the while looking and feeling like some fat, ex-jock wearing nothing but a hairy chest and Dodgers gym shorts. It’s not as flattering a look as once upon a time, but it is what it is now and for the most part I am okay with it. I probably won’t be in the morning, but it isn’t morning right now, is it? No! It’s night, and the night is more forgiving in such matters of appearance. At least that is how I feel about it right now and right now that is good enough for me.   

I slept from Midnight till 2, it was wonderful. Then I got up for a bathroom break. I’m still up almost 2 hours later. Why? Don’t really know, just am, so yeah, here we sit at the kitchen table once again, wondering why in the fuck I am awake at this ridiculous hour, and yes, still waiting on Franklin the Cat who still can’t tell time and yes, is still out. I scroll The Athletic just to read something, anything,  with the hope of maybe getting some tired eyes but they don’t tire so easy, my eyes are used to reading. I get up and do a walkabout, thinking that maybe the cat is nearby and can see me in the window. Nope. I’ve always said that cat was a dink and well, he is. The Moon however is quite lovely – big, bright, almost full. It goes peak, Supermoon on Thursday.  I will no doubt be awake at some point that night to check it out; not that I want to, but I know I will. I definitely know that I won’t be working that night and let me just say Hallelujah Hollywood!!!! I know the experts all say “that full moon craziness is all bullshit” and we, who have worked under the big moon, know the experts are totally wrong, don’t we? “Full Moon Stupid” is for real, and if you are working this Thursday, grab hold of your ass with both hands and hold on tight, because she is going to be a wild ride!

In case you are wondering, I put a shirt on – hey, I think it only fair to not be scaring any ghosts who might be lingering about. – I don’t scare you; you don’t scare me and before you go all paranormal, batshit crazy on me, I’m joking – no ghosts, at least I don’t think there are ghosts, do you think there are ghosts, maybe there are ghosts, who fucking knows! 

I do know that I should be sleeping, and I’m not, and that seriously pisses me off, which makes it even less likely that I will be falling asleep anytime soon. Maybe it’s time for Sweet Berry Kush eh, but then again, maybe not. I’d be too stoned to sleep and too stoned to think and yeah, just too stoned for anything. Too stoned is not a good way to get through life but… hey wait a minute… it’s actually a great way, what the Hell am I saying here, but just not right now lol.

4:11 am and still no Franklin the Dink – he is such a dink!!! And my eyes? Not tired. None of me is tired. Do you know that I actually read that if you are constantly waking at this hour, some idiot has insinuated that it’s because God wants you to find your creative mojo and write something brilliantly creative. Yeah okay, WOW! Maybe I should just go back to bed and stare at the ceiling eh?

Maybe I will; the cat is not coming home, and I have nothing more to say and it’s 4:30 am. The dog is no doubt sleeping in my spot, with his head on my pillow, stinking up my space. No really, last evening while going Full Zoomies on us, he went on a romp through the cat tails and the mud and yes, the pond – it wasn’t pretty. Bodhi Boy got a hosedown bath in the front yard but he still stinks, he just does, and now my pillow is going to stink and I am going to stink, well stink a bit more.

Anyway, rock on and for God’s sakes go to bed!