You must admit that these sunsets are glorious. Toxic it may be argued but glorious, nonetheless. While we are at it, watching the sun rise can be rather special as well, if the sun can punch its way through the smoke that is. It’s bad right now. Earlier in the week, the much needed and long-awaited rains provided a small and temporary reprieve from both the heat and especially the smoke. That low pressure system that brought all that moisture is gone now, absolutely welcome by one and all but not staying near long enough to significantly alter the current “extreme fire hazard” rating, and those rains were damn cold too, weren’t they?

I came into this week with a few different ideas for blog posts and I even wrote out long portions of them but in the end, satisfaction was not forthcoming so I shitcanned the lot. We are nothing if not discerning lol and sometimes what comes across this screen is crap. Writers of old would rip the sheet out of the typewriter, scrunch it into a ball and launch the obscene disgrace disguising itself as literary goobly gok towards the nearest waste basket, followed usually by a stiff drink of bourbon and a powerful drag off a Camel cigarette. This whole shit show has a strange and strong appeal to a reprobate such as myself but alas, none of the above options are available for my consumption. I therefore mumble a few “fuck you’s” before meekly hitting the “delete” button until the screen is once again blank and we can repeat the whole sick process. 

If you are a writer, particularly if you are a writer or a storyteller of any kind, there is something already kind of monstrously wrong with you.

Anthony Bourdain

So anyways, here we are rumbling through the waning weeks of what temperature would suggest as Summer. I think it fair to state that it’s been an unusual one that began with that intense heat dome in June. Remember that?  This lovely weather phenomenon lead to conditions of extreme dryness, followed by a plethora of very large, out of control wildfires burning throughout the Western USA and Canada. Mother Nature is angry, and with her ghoulish, grey fingers she continues to paint those sunsets of stunning magnificence. 

Sunset over the Abbey

And did you hear about some sort of pandemic going on? Yeah, that hasn’t gone away either, just maybe moving in a slightly different direction. Do we even want to touch on this? I think fatigue an understatement when thinking about all the virus has brought to us but don’t go crying about how tough it is here just yet. The state of NSW in Australia has just gone into another week-long lockdown with people in the city of Sidney (we all know that city) not being able to go outside a 5 km radius of their residence, AGAIN! Crazy shit, that!

Speaking of crazy, who had the opportunity to enjoy last month’s full moon? We all know the Hells Angels and Rebels did. Who doesn’t enjoy a good old fashioned knife fight on a Friday night? There was some bloodshed and a hospital had to go into lockdown but hey, what would you expect? It was a full moon. Guess when the August full moon is, never mind, I’ll tell you – August 22. And, this will blow your minds, the Chinese call this upcoming moon “The Hungry Ghosts Moon”. According to legend, the very Gates of Hell will open up during this time and the dead will again walk amongst us. Offerings of food and money may offer protection and keep the “undead” from creating too much havoc. 

Be generous, I believe everyone the World over has had more than enough havoc already.

Rock On!!!