This is a cake. It is irrefutably the most beautiful cake I have ever, or will ever, lay eyes upon. It was presented to me on the night of June 18th, the last night shift of my set and yes, my last night shift, period!!! I was sitting in the Senior Supervisor’s office, bullshitting with the day shift boys when I was informed that I was expected out at the wicket immediately and that the crew had something for me. My response was notably classy – ah fuck off man!

I did not believe it, nor did I expect to see what was waiting for me when I walked out. I honestly didn’t expect anything at all. Nothing! I was going to do my last shift, be my best, be “excellent”, then drive off into the sunrise (we were getting off in the morning, no sunsets in the morning). I felt weird, and slept very little going into that shift, but I was doing an admirable job of stiff upper lipping it; get on with the job at hand, you are paid to do a job, finish it! Then I walked out and saw the cake. A noble effort was made to cut the cake and pass it out but I pretty much butchered it, a wave was coming from deep down and so I dropped the knife and slid away. Jesus there was so much flowing inside me, “get yourself together”, I thought. I always knew that I would be expected to say something and I had a few words ready, except, I wasn’t ready anymore. “OKAY, OKAY, you got this, you are good speeches, say something funny!” Nope! Words were not forming inside my head. I went back out and the card was presented to me. Inside were gifts for $500 to GolfTown and $200 for the Keg. Tears began rolling down my cheeks. (Tears are flowing as I write this). There would be no speech. I stepped up, front and centre and tapped my heart. More tears, then and now! Overcome!!!!!!! Hugs!!!! I wish I could have hugged every one of you!!

JESUS I did not expect this! Overwhelmed!!! I drove out to a secluded part of the mine and cried! For most of the rest of the night I sat in stunned silence. A couple of the younger guys said “holy shit that was intense, have you ever seen that before?”

“No man, never. Most guys say something, everyone gives a clap and you move on.” The fact that this attention was directed at me was, yeah, amazing, and confusing, and flat out humbling! It was a special moment for me!

It wasn’t over either. I normally drive home but Big Trevy said “no, I drive.”

Fair enough. It was a good call too because then I got this:

Marbach, beautifully written! Your wonderful words, when I read them broke me to pieces. Reading them now it carries the same power as the day you posted.

I did actually make it home that morning and after settling, managed to bang off a couple of hours of sleep before we had to get our shit together and boogie on to Calgary for an early morning flight the following morning. Even while driving to Calgary, the subject had to be changed because the emotion from the night before would swell up, rendering me yet again speechless!

So, all done, right? Nope. Following the trip to Cincinnati, I make my way to Lethbridge to finish my fitting for woods and wedges at Evergreen Golf. Selected the sticks, picked out a bag and went to pay. It was then that I was informed that I had a $2,000 credit. “Excuse me?!?” Some others that I worked with got together to drop that one on me as a final gift. Again, no fucking clue! Let’s just say the drive home was again a humbling and emotional time.

Ev, Jordyn, Rochelle, Graeme, each and every one of you, everyone that made that day so special – I hope you understand how deeply you touched me and how special your efforts were!

Hugs and LOVE for ALL


One thought on “THANK YOU

  1. Marty,

    It was an absolute pleasure and honour to work with you at line creek. From hanging out bullshitting to those covert jobs to make things run smooth or when I would get all heated and pissed off with thing (very rarely) you would have the right words and wisdom to either calm not only myself down or to help me make the right choice when I needed to speak my mind. I’ll never forget those times. I wish I could have been there to see and be part of your final night at the creek with the crew. I still remember the night I told you about my choice in advancing in my career and how bummed out you were with the fact of losing me or the fact of me not being there to harass the hell out of you. In the end I remember you telling me how great of an opportunity it is and how proud you were about it.

    Marty I will always remember working with you weather it’s the good the bad and the grumpy Marty!

    Enjoy retirement you deserve it and I will be seeing you around.

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