No Aliens – YET

The hole itself is an artesian well, 60 feet wide and 81 feet deep. The water temperature stays a constant 62 degrees F year round. Nope, not going in, that is way too cold. Polar bears swim in 62 F water, not Mart, no way. But we were going right by the Blue Hole so why not, right? YOLO Man! That fat, bald, bullet head you see in the water is me. I jumped in and the water was so cold it took my breath away. In the picture I was trying to get the Hell out while also attempting to tell anyone within earshot just how fucking cold it was. My attempt failed. I couldn’t speak. On a positive note, I didn’t have a jammer!!!

From here we moved South, to see where Billy the Kid is allegedly buried, in Fort Sumner.

This is where Billy lies now, or so they say. Like all good outlaws, there are plenty of rumours around The Kid surviving Pat Garrett’s shot but well, we will probably never know, eh? No matter, it was super cool to see Fort Sumner, the town where Billy spent so much of his time. There is not much in this town, truth be told – some farming and ranching and Billy the Kid’s Museum. We stayed long enough to buy a T shirt then moved on, to Clovis!

Okay, you know when you drive into a town and think – oh my, this is a bad neighbourhood? Well, with Clovis the whole fucking town is like that! Sorry, it’s a full on shithole! We came, we saw, we got the fuck out!

Last stop of today was Roswell, except we are not quite in Roswell. At the moment we are about 20 minutes South of the town at Bottomless Lake State Park.

Sunset over the Pecos River. Pretty cool eh?

No aliens to be seen. We do however have bugs here, all shapes and all sizes and as I try to write they are driving me insane. We also have something else – racoons! There are four of them prowling around and the brazen little bastards have tried to get at Bodhi’s food. They walk straight at you, daring you to do something. I have no tolerance for these fuckers and have launched a full on aerial assault of rocks in the hopes that there may be an association with pain if they come too near the van. For the moment this has moved them on elsewhere (meaning the garbage cans 100 yards away) but I have no doubt that at some point they will be back.

Good times are had by all out here on the Mesa! Tomorrow it’s off to White Sands before moving down to Las Cruces!

Be Cool ya’all!!!!