Grumpy’s thoughts Dec 9

The wind is blowing. Well, howling might be a better description, and it has been going on like this now for close to two weeks straight. Environment Canada seems to be issuing another “Wind Warning” every other day. It’s late Autumn, what’s new? It frequently hits hurricane force levels at this time of year. It might stop if we get snow but that isn’t a sure thing either, is it? I think that for those of us living in this God forsaken climate, there are frequent thoughts of making a run for it, a run far, far away. We don’t though. We stay for our jobs, or loved ones, or because it’s the only place we have ever known, or for any of a multitude of other reasons. The point is, we stay. 

Winter vacations to a place of warmth and sunshine can often provide a lovely and well needed interlude and many of us partially frozen and windswept Canadians eagerly await the time when we can break away to a more hospitable climate, if only for a week. A break from the darkness, a shot of heat, a swim in the ocean, it makes all the difference in the world in getting through our long, harsh winters. But not this year. Since March, we have not been able to leave the country, or at least we really shouldn’t leave the country. That has been taken away from us, hasn’t it? A lot of things have been taken away from us this year of 2020, the year of Covid-19! And it seems to be getting worse; we are going into lockdown again in three days. Please go out only for essential services, all other activities will virtually cease, everyone to hunker down and ride this out.

Are you feeling some stress yet? You should be. Many people won’t be going to work on Monday, many more have already lost jobs. Others are in danger of losing their homes. The consequences from this pandemic driven economic downturn will be felt for years. And what about our society’s collective mental health? How much lower will it go? Human beings are largely social animals, even grumpy bastards like myself. We thrive on contact and if denied for too long, we die. It’s been argued that these lockdowns of semi-forced isolation are worse than the virus itself, that the odds of us getting Covid are very low and of actually dying almost infinitesimally small. Why deny ourselves of sorely needed company? I hear ya and if you subscribe to this line of thinking you are not altogether wrong. But you are not right either. If the vast majority of us were to catch this virus, we would fight it off. Grumpymarty is ridiculously healthy but not everyone he comes in contact with is. This situation could take a tragic turn if the immunocompromised who came in contact with me were to become extremely ill or die. Do I want that? NO! Is that going to happen? Probably not but who am I to say. Do I look like fucking Nostradamus? If keeping my distance from others, avoiding large gatherings, using hand sanitizer and yes, wearing the hated mask, if that helps to keep those around me safe, then yes I am going to do it. We don’t have to like it but sometimes life dictates us doing what isn’t the most palatable. 

It sucks worse than having no hair but hey, there is light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. Vaccines are rolling out as I write this and it is expected that some of our most vulnerable citizens will actually be getting it before the year is out. Will I get the shot when the opportunity arises? Hell yeah! I want to swim off the coast of Aruba again and to eat garlic fries while watching the Dodgers pound on the Giants in San Francisco. The Dodgers won the World Series you know? I want to see the sun set over the Arizona desert after a great day of golf. In order to do those things, proof of vaccination will be needed. Give me the damn needle!  

You are not going to get the shot? It’s all a government conspiracy? Sure! I know, the Reptillian Galactic Federation are in alliance with Illuminati and this virus is all made up just so they can inject us with a powerful serum to control our minds and therefore achieve world supremacy! Okay! Rock on! But here is something else to think about while avoiding the jab. Ever heard of Shingles? Yeah, that REALLY painful, rashy, virus you get as an adult after getting chicken pox as a child? Apparently there is a major uptick in cases of Shingles showing up in patients who are recently recovering from Covid-19. Talk about adding insult to injury eh sports fans? I have had Shingles. The only good thing I can say about it is that if you are a nudist/exhibitionist then you’ll be in your glory because wearing clothes is like lighting your skin on fire.

I don’t want to get Covid. It doesn’t sound like much fun. Neither is Shingles but I am now vaccinated for that (are you crazy, of course I got vaccinated, not going through that again). I am not a fan of masks, self-isolating and no hockey games to watch. I am even less a fan of people losing their jobs or worse yet, their lives. Christmas is right around the corner. The temptation to flout the rules and congregate will be strong. Will it be worthwhile?

Stay safe!
