I just ate that!

Taos, New Mexico – 6,969 ft. We are staying at the Taos RV Park which is one of the nicer RV Parks we have stayed in on our travels. I like it in Taos. Getting here was well… a different story!

Today we started in Southern Wyoming and drove straight through the State of Colorado to get to where we sit right now. It wasn’t my favourite day on the highway. I am not a fan of the interstate system of highways. There’s a reason why automobilists, van lifers, RV aficionados, etc avoid them whenever it is possible. interstates have no personality. Why do you think Route 66 is still so popular? Today’s drive on the I-25? Road race, full on! From Fort Collins in the North to Walsenburg in the South, it was either road construction which meant either 6 or 8 lanes being funnelled into 4, or it was 8 lanes and 85 mph. Mart is not a fan of this type of driving – we can get shall we say, aggressive. Those who know me are aware of my propensity to yell, I may have yelled a couple of times and yes, I fucking swore a bit too! Look, I go crazy if I have to wait a minute to pull out on the Highway near my house, it is beyond all comprehension how someone can drive every day in this shit.

Denver fucking Colorado

At Walsenburg we turned off the Interstate and joined Highway 160 heading South. I found I could breathe again. Walsenburg is an interesting town. We pulled in at the Conoco for gas right beside two fellas wacked out on the meth (hey, I never saw a tooth and they couldn’t have pulled a 100 lbs between the two of them). The town itself seems like it has seen better days and reminds me of an old mining town that hasn’t been able to re-invent itself. it was hot here too, like 33 C hot. We stopped here to have a quick bite to eat in the Safeway Parking lot (yes, we did buy a few things in the store) before moving on down the road. Hey, the toothless problem was a bit more widespread than anticipated.

The small towns along the Colorado / New Mexico border are primarily Hispanic, like San Luis, and up near 8,000 feet in elevation. The country up here is magnificent. I am not sure why it’s different but there is almost as much open space here as in Wyoming, yet I don’t feel the loneliness. Weird eh?

sunset over Taos, New Mexico

I am not sure what we are going to do here in Taos. Besides gorging on Mexican, drinking Nespresso and writing to you all, we haven’t really decided. Tomorrow morning we have dedicated to exploring this little town of artists, hippies and various other eccentrics before we shoot down to Santa Fe. Tomorrow is going to be amazing! See you then!

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