Another day is wandering away, slowly sinking into twilight. I am okay with all of that, I really am. The wind as always, continues to blow. I am okay with that too. I am okay with a lot of things because I cannot control them. i don’t control much at all.  So much in life is that way, isn’t it? We are pushed this way and that, trying to hold on, maintain a grip, struggling to not be swept away. Now, more and more it seems that our grip is getting weaker and our world is in danger of slipping further and further into the abyss. 

But is it? Is it really? I don’t think so! But I will give you this, there are many days when it sure as Hell feels like you are rolling out of bed and punching for your life. Life punches back and sometimes life punches first and punches hard and occasionally life punches below the belt. Life isn’t always fair that way. Life can sometimes be a bastard, sometimes, but not always. 

Sometimes life can be good, sometimes there can be a moment, and isn’t that what life is all about, finding that one incredible instant, when everything comes together and life becomes truly sublime? We search for those moments, and the older we get the more special these moments become. Moments become memories and when life is through with each and every one of us, memories are all we have left. I am not a young man although I feel young, Hell I feel 35, but I am not 35. The opportunities to have more moments are becoming less and less and those that have already become memories, more. That’s how life works. 

What’s also cool though is that each and every day the sun is certain to rise in the East, providing us with a clean slate and an opportunity to re-invent ourselves, be who we want to be, live our life to the fullest. In this year of 2021, while a global pandemic continues it’s assault, remembering what it is that makes us happy and being open to new experiences, is this not more important now than ever?

It’s no secret we love to travel. I came to this passion a little later in life but with travel, I don’t think one is ever too old to venture out and see or experience something new. In 2021 international travel will most likely be severely restricted. Planning a trip overseas I believe is a pipe dream. Realistically, we don’t even know if we will be able to move interprovincial this year. The situation in regards to Covid is fluid making plans for future expeditions almost impossible which leads one to question just what in the Hell can we do? Talk about a challenge, eh? Challenge accepted!

I am calling it Coronapalooza 21, a re-discovery of adventure, an awakening of the human spirit. New Years resolutions? So last year man! In 2021 we have Coronapalooza and that is so much cooler! In 2021 we are going to do something we’ve never done before, step a little outside our comfort zone. What about restrictions you ask? Parameters people, that’s all they are. Consider them rules of the game. Once you know the rules, then you figure out a way to win. This year the rules are different than last year, but last year was different from the year 2019 which was different from 2018 – the point is, life is dynamic, the rules can differ. Just when you have it all figured out, life throws you a wicked change up and you find yourself getting up off the ground after swinging away wildly. What do we do? We get our shit together, dust ourselves off, dig in and get ready for the next pitch. Throw the change again you sonofabitch, I’ll crush it! In 2021 WE crush it! Now I am not going to tell what I plan on doing this year because then I would have nothing to write about. Make no mistake though, Coronapalooza 21 is definitely ON, new year, new rules and a new game and it’s a game I intend to win. Know what’s even more cool? You can win too; anybody who actively participates, gives this shitshow a whirl, wins! You win, I win, the World wins! How awesome is that? So what is exactly is stopping us?!?! It’s on! LETS DO THIS!!!